The National Council
The National Council
is the committee of management of the National
Association. It is made up of two delegates
appointed from each member Association plus the five
member National Executive. The Council meets twice
yearly, usually in Canberra and is opened by guest
speakers including Government Ministers and heads of
The members of the 2024 National
Council are:
Ron Brandy |
National President |
Noel Moulder
National Vice President |
Peter Norman |
National Secretary |
Richard Tregear |
National Treasurer |
John Thorne
National Public Officer |
Tony Stevenson OAM |
QLD State Vice
President |
Freier |
QLD State Branch
Treasurer |
John Faunt |
ACT Branch President |
Gary Hand |
ACT Branch Delegate |
McIvor OAM |
VIC State Branch
President |
Peter Kemp |
John Thorne
SA State Branch
President |
Name |
SA State Branch
Secretary |
Jeff Gray |
TAS State Branch
President |
Neville Pulford |
TAS State Branch
Secretary |
James Duquemin |
WA State Branch President |
Name |
WA State Branch
Secretary |
Frank Miller OAM |
OTU Association President |
Chris Grigsby
OTU Association